© serviceprofessionalgmbh

Sets the profile of the editor to the desired standard and accepts a simple S in place of the SAVE command.

/* REXX * EDIT MACRO *************************************************/
/*                                                                   */
/* Macroname.: $PROF                                                 */
/*                                                                   */
address isredit
"define s alias save"
"(,lockmode) = profile"
"autolist off"
"autonum off"
"autosave on"
"caps off"
"hex off"
"nulls on"
"recovery on"
"stats on"
"tabs off"
if lockmode = "UNLOCK" then do
   status = "mit Standardwerten gespeichert"
else status = "temporaer veraendert"
zedsmsg="Profile O.K."
zedlmsg="Profile" status
address ispexec "setmsg msg(isrz000)"
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