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Tipps & Tricks
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General infos

Remarks about the source codes.
Help in Daily Life

Helpful samples for some problems, using string functions, embedding of MVS utilities.

Date & Time

Toying with date and time. Calculation, conversion, bank holidays and so on...

The Power of REXX

REXX how you might not have known it before.

REXX and Dialog Manager

Here you will find examples of REXX in real live. Native REXX is used, but most REXX programs are dialogs, which cannot manage without the power of ISPF.

Edit Macros

A collection of various macros to support your daily work. Paint comment boxes or let the macro finish your typing. Take a look - it's worth it.

REXX Batch

Use REXX in background. Big data streams or complex programs will not strain your foreground. Your SysProg-Crew will be happy.

Fun & More

Everything here is REXX native to keep things as simple as possible.

Face to challenge to make add ons like ISPF-panels by yourself.

Thanks a lot...

...to everybody who contributed to these samples.
Mail to SP
Need any help? Simply send a mail...

Mainframe - TSO - REXX - ISPF - JCL - Endevor